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Turbo Dork

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  • Turbo Dork: Box Wine

    Turbo Dork

    Turbo Dork: Box Wine


    Named after that rich dark fluid living in pantry closets nationwide, this deep red, burgundy metallic has a mellow flavor, with notes of flake, and a finish between purple and red. Box Wine is our second 70's inspired tone.   Turbo Dork paints are made...

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  • Turbo Dork: Cartridge Family

    Turbo Dork

    Turbo Dork: Cartridge Family


    Shirley, Keith, Laurie, Danny, Chris, Tracy… err wait... you said Cartridge, not Partridge... The darkest of the true metallic golds, some might even say it's a bronze. Formulated for airbrush use, but may also be hand brushed

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  • Turbo Dork: Cyberia

    Turbo Dork

    Turbo Dork: Cyberia


    Cyberia is our ode to 80's cyberpunk, loud music, VR games, hackers, and neon nightclubs. This paint is a dark purplish blue with a lighter purple at the edges. Note: Cyberia must be used over a black basecoat to see the shift effect. If used over white,...

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  • Turbo Dork: Forrest Flux

    Turbo Dork

    Turbo Dork: Forrest Flux


    "My mama always said ‘Life is like a box of chocolate. You never know what you’re gonna get." In this box of chocolates you get a view of looking high up into the leafy canopy with just a hint of the sky peaking through...

  • Turbo Dork: Hemoglobin

    Turbo Dork

    Turbo Dork: Hemoglobin


    Normally when you mix red and green you get some shade of brown. However, if you throw blood-red paint and a dehydrated goblin together you get Hemogoblin. Hemogoblin is a zenishift that can show up as a rusty iron-like oxidized heme or as a color any...

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  • Turbo Dork: Hotline

    Turbo Dork

    Turbo Dork: Hotline


    Get in direct communications with your retro, groovy 70s side. Hotline is hot pink. There is no mistaking it for anything else. This shocking, vivid pink is just the thing for the flashy sports car of your dreams. Note: For the most vibrant...

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  • Turbo Dork: Let Them Eat Cake

    Turbo Dork

    Turbo Dork: Let Them Eat Cake


    Shouldn't this be, "Let them eat brioche."? This is the darkest of the Cheat Day matched set in purple, pink, and blue. It can layered under one of the others in the set or used on its own.

  • Turbo Dork: Miami Sunset

    Turbo Dork

    Turbo Dork: Miami Sunset


    Sundown over super cars and super stars. Pink and purple and chaotic hedonism. This is the mid-range of the Sky Above matched set which can be used layered over one of the others or on its own.

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  • Turbo Dork: Momo

    Turbo Dork

    Turbo Dork: Momo


    Just peach of a color — warm pinkish-orange but without the fuzz.

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  • Turbo Dork: Orange You Glad

    Turbo Dork

    Turbo Dork: Orange You Glad


    Reach for Orange You Glad the next time you want to juice up a model. It is a bright yellow-orange, tending more to the orange side of yellow. Note: For the most vibrant results, please use Orange You Glad over a similarly colored basecoat, such as...

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  • Turbo Dork: Romeo/Juilet

    Turbo Dork

    Turbo Dork: Romeo/Juilet


    There is a forbidden romance in the air or maybe just in the bottle. Romeo / Juliet is a zenishift, changing hue depending on the color of the basecoat used. Just like in the original Romero and Juliet, the two colors can never quite seem to get...

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