Be yourself! Unless you can be a unicorn, in which case, be a unicorn! So says the often-quoted phrase. But what if you could be both? This little Corgi is a small stubby-legged dog with a fluffy butt, and he's a Unicorn (who is also stubby-legged with a fluffy butt!). He's being himself! And also being a Unicorn! And those are both great things to be!

Squishable: Mini Corgi
What do you get when you cross a Corgi with a warm peach cobbler?A very happy Corgi...and a licked-clean pie tin! You see, Corgis are known for their large appetites! If left to its own devices, a...

Squishable: Mini Baby Corgi
Just when you thought Corgis couldn't get any more adorable with their little legs and adorable ears and floofy butts, in comes the Mini Baby Corgi! With even shorter legs and floppier ears! And also...

Squishable: Mini Undercover Kitty in Dragon
The cat was worshiped in Ancient Egyptian religion! The Dragon was revered in ancient Chinese folklore! If you could squish these two cultural creatures into one, how historically legendary would it...

Squishable: Mini Baby Unicorn
Unicorns are the national symbol of Scotland, not because they look great in plaid and like to toss a caber or two, but because of their strength and loyalty! While this particular Unicorn may be...

Squishable: Mini Celestial Unicorn
Gilding the lily! That means taking something that's really great and making it unnecessarily greater. Like taking a cinnamon bun with icing and adding chocolate. Like taking a perfect ballet...